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时间:2015-06-07 11:15 来源:艺界网作者:艺界网
中国传媒联盟 据 艺界网 讯:杨牧青先生是一位在书画道路上善于勤奋学习、吸收、融合创新而自成体系的艺术大师。
     中国传媒联盟 据 艺界网 讯:杨牧青先生是一位在书画道路上善于勤奋学习、吸收、融合创新而自成体系的艺术大师。他数十年如寒窗渡春秋,不急不慢,儒雅和悦,出入于社会各个阶层,上达下济,忧于文,虑于艺,担当艺术与文化的大任。他是继蒲华、齐白石、黄宾虹、石鲁之后在中国画坛上又诞生的一位被艺术品收藏界内外看好、青睐的书画大师。他也是席勒、梵高、毕加索的色彩思想和艺术精神在东方文明古国的伟大传承、开拓、创新者。
         Kevin  Guo 于外滩二次修稿(美籍华人、纽约美中文化交流协会主席、豪宇总裁协会国际商会主席)
         Mr. Yang Muqing is a master of art, who is good at studying, absorbing and integrating and innovating on the road of painting and calligraphy. Over the years he beared major task of art and culture,and study hard, not urgent not slow, access to different social classes, planning to the deve-lopment of culture.He is another painting and calligraphy masters valued by the art collection,following Pu Hua, Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, and Shi Lu. He is also the people who inherit and innovate Schiller, Van Gogh, Picasso's color idears and artistic spirit in the Oriental civilization.
         Mr. Yang Muqing is invited expert and scholar of 2015 Milan World Expo - Venice Water Museum, Organizer of China cultural and artistic development think tank, executive vice president of Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting, executive chairman of Asia Pacific Painters and Calligraphers Fellowship (APPCF).
         He settles in Beijing, complements oriental culture and Western culture,and writes hundreds of thousands of words of literary theory, such as"the Chinese painting and calligraphy class analysis", "Theoretical research on Chinese landscape painting",influencing many people and enjoys a high reputation in the art field at present, with vast and rugged loess feelings of Northwest China and the "big freehand landscape painting art.
         The works of painting and calligraphy of Mr. Yang Muqing was auctioned by Paul Lee, Xiang Yun Xuan, the Pacific and other famous auction company, recording in Artron and other major professional online, and was exhibited and auctioned in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Hongkong, Macao, San Francisco, New York, Berlin and other places.His artistic achievements were recorded in the "Asian news figure " "Chinese painting milestone"  and other publications.
          I have concerned about Mr. Yang Muqing for a long time and saw him gradually entering the ranks of the masters of the art with true skill and genuine knowledge. As the Yanhuang descendants I am very happy! To carefully read what Mr. Yang Muqing’s calligraphy, painting works , it is only with the master level to complete things. His works is not bounded artistic characteristics and pen and ink techniques, and the most important is to reflect the broad and profound cultural ideology and the connotation. Therefore, Mr. Yang Muqing’s excellent painting and calligraphy works have a strong artistic appreciation, cultural heritage and historical value of the collection.
         the second revised draft by Kevin Guo in the Bund (Kevin Guo ,Chinese-American, the Chairman of the Cultural Exchange Association in New York, President of the International Chamber of Commerce ho-CEO Association)

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