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胸怀凌云志 华冠绝春秋

时间:2014-05-14 11:32 来源:中华发展报道网作者:王宁
胸怀凌云志 华冠绝春秋

Cherish great aspiration to be the best


(中国传媒联盟 据 中华发展报道网 王宁) 

  茫茫人海中,   千年去匆匆。
  都在天地间,   行行出状元。
  当家才知柴米贵,   做官方知当官难。
  只要辛勤把事干,   不少吃住不缺穿。
  英豪千古被传颂,   乱臣逆党留骂名。
  仁人善德智勇全,   后裔可能会当官。
  不论职位有多大,   都有坎坷和困难。
  千里去做官,   为民吃住穿。
  家有千间房,   只睡一张床。
  高官富豪不相慕,   行善积德添家户。
  孝悌忠信是本分,   礼仪廉耻是仁君。
  英雄过后留美名,   大雁过后必留声。
  敬人让人莫欺人,   造福子孙天下稳。
  爱国厚德永向前,   百岁过后尽开颜。
Wang bingkun has its own unique understanding and comprehension about calligraphy and poem and his calligraphy works come from eternal life and is a furnace of molten.His calligraphy works look like snake or dragon dancing, beautiful and elegant, majestic, uninhibited and unique flavor, pleasing both the eye and the mind. His calligraphy , a carrier to express thoughts and soul, bring the viewer resonance and shock.
Talking about art experience, Mr Wang told reporters that he have a passion for learning calligraphy and painting, but because of the need to make a living ,he have to put down his hobby. After the reform and opening to the outside world, chairman Mao's grandnephew Mao ningke with "Mao body calligraphy long-trip" come to taian and met with Mr. Wang. Chairman Mao's calligraphy and poetry aroused his inner deep love of poetry calligraphy for a long time. After this, he began swimming in the sea of calligraphy creation and poetic creation. The pen name "wang dong ming hua" he created is meaningful : "Dong" is in honor of chairman Mao’s name, "Ming hua" refers to the spread of civilization of the Chinese culture. Now he has vividly become the contemporary Chinese calligraphy masters.
Wang bingkun, born in qiu stores ,Taishan district ,shandong TaiAn, in the year of 1951, a poor village, drop school when an teenager to the market to sell the broom to support his home. He witnessed the motherland from poverty and backwardness to the prosperous development.With the reform and open policy spring breeze, his life is full of ups and downs in business in decades, turning himself from a farmer' children selling a broom to an outstanding entrepreneur. Wang bingkun said his change is mostly down to communist party ,in addition to his own efforts.Thanks to Mao zedong 's try turning China people the host, thanks to the party’s insist on the leadership of the deng xiaoping's reform and opening up policy. "I'm a real peasant, but I realize my value in the business, realized my dream of getting rich. However, one can't consider oneself. He make dedication as the greatest happiness with mounting character and try to be a honourable man like the pine on the top of the mount tai."
Wang bingkun, taking calligraphy and poetry as the carrier along the way, expressed gratitude and love of the party, the government and motherland with heart and diligence, in the form of art,
心怀感恩 以文抒怀
Be grateful to text lines
According to the Tao Te Ching: " The Way bears sensation, Sensation bears memory, Sensation and memory bear abstraction, And abstraction bears all the world. ", Wang bingkun created three groups of calligraphy works, each group including three songs, nine works, known as the "dominant" calligraphy.
九首诗词既有传统的,又有红色经典的,还有现代的,分为“三春”、“三红”、“三水”。 每一组作品都收录了前人的经典之作。
The nine songs,divided into "three spring"、"three red"、“three water”,are both traditional , red classical and modern。 Each group works includes our forefathers’ classic.
"I was born in 1951, saw the country walk on from poverty to prosperity. I grew up with the communist party, and it is a whole nation party. After the reform and opening up policy was put up, people's life had a tremendous change . Without the wise leadership of the party and reform and opening up policy, there would be no the well-off society. The poem is also used to motivate myself and others never forget gratitude." Wang Bingkun speaked with his eyes flashing.
When asked why he is so passionate about the red culture, Mr Wang told reporters that this is a kind of culture that can increases the wisdom, increases morale, helps people break the superstition, helps us finally achieved the victory of the revolution, help him find confidence on the road. He hopes that through his own efforts he can carry forward the red culture and let more people learn it.
古雅旷达 厚德劝世
Broad-minded  Social Commitment
The 18 th CPC central committee was convened in this year when a lot of people felt the lack of happiness in the happiness index survey.According to this phenomenon, Mr Wang specially composed a "philosophy" which is dedicated to the party, dedicated to every one around. The poem is China's first philosophy mainly consisting of outlook,telling the outlook of Wang bingkun's about life, and it is worthy of learning outlook on life for modern youth.
The country is rich and strong, and the living standard of people is improving, but there are still a lot of people don't feel happy, which is because they do not have the right attitude to treat the society ." Wang Bingkun, says he always firmly believe that the lyrics of the internationale: "There are never the savior and the immortal emperor to rely on. that creating human happiness is all up to ourselves." This is also the key of the outlook on life. With the development of our country economy and people's pay, purchasing power is also increased. Then the rising prices and the constant complaints accompanied . Many young people don't understand the content, because most of them didn't have experienced bitterness and could not find the balance point of happiness. Mr Wang said: "salary and prices are rising which is normal embodiment of law of the development of society and economy.Tthe modern people's values is yet to be promoted, which is a problem obout ideas. I wrote the outlook on life is to help people change that."
No matter how great position you are in, there are obstacles and difficult ", Mr Wang told reporters, "from the country to individuals, there have difficulties in different positions.There is no savior and success is depend on your own." We have to be satisfied with life with common heart, then we maybe can live a happy life. As the poetry " social commitment and patriotic heart  can live a longer and happy life" This is Mr Wang’s sincere wishes to everybody.
积善成德  怡然自适
Goodness makes virtue in a easy attitude
China's economic development situation is not optimistic since 2012 and there are a large areas of the debt crisis and credit crisis.With thousands of employees in Mr Wang's own enterprise group, employee pay and the enterprise operating cost is also rising. In the steel market, Wang bingkun ensure the insurance and guarantee company worker wages. He told me: "even if the present development of the enterprise is not easy, we are still adhere to the red culture enterprise as the enterprise culture.The good faith management provides a good faith to our workers employment units."
In business for more than a decade, Mr. Wang always adhere to business the philosophy "good faith compliance and civilized service", and continuously forge ahead to start business paying a lot of taxes.Employees laid off was offered a variety of jobs. He was named the national provinces and cities of "credit enterprise of civilization" model pacesetter, outstanding builder of the socialist, "glorious star" and other honorary title in consecutive years. His behavior and performance is well-established regarded as a pioneer of narain heroic dedication social entrepreneurs calligrapher's poet. He told us that he is happy every day. This is a red classic poet and calligrapher's life realm. The open-minded, the state of life for the enterprise and society to create a real boon for well-being brought him indifferent manifest adaptive and quiet.
In our magnificent cause of reform and opening, he is a seagull, retelling the praise and deep feeling of heaven and earth.
In the long history, he is a fine horse, with the red culture reins struggling to move on.
In our shaping moral journey, he is a redirection, with one hand holding up in half the sky.

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